

Cornerstone VNA/HHA

(Visiting Nursing Agencies or Home Health Agencies)

We provide comprehensive telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring solutions to visiting nursing agencies and home health agencies.

Benefits to VNA/HHA

  • Efficient Telehealth Addition: Easily integrate telehealth and RPM into your services. 
  • Competitive Edge: Differentiate yourself from other agencies. 
  • Reduced Need for In-Person Visits: Lower the necessity for frequent on-site visits. 
  • Decrease 30-day Readmissions: Reduce readmissions for high-risk patients (CHF, COPD, Pneumonia). 
  • Improved Access to Care: Enhance care for remote patients. 
  • Close Monitoring of Conditions: Maintain a vigilant watch on patient health. 
  • Enhanced Patient Engagement: Increase patient involvement in their own care. 
  • Reduced Exposure to Communicable Conditions: Lower risk of spreading illnesses like COVID.  
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